Now, to me, the "gamer comic" is fine, except for the fact that everyone's got one, and they're all exactly the same. (except for Megatokyo, which is thankfully saved by Piro's addiction to girl's anime and STORY and CHARACTER and the like.) I suggested we should eliminate three. Then, I posed the idea (which had been mentioned several times on DALNet #webcomics, likely by Dave Kelly) of doing a "gamer comic" about OLD games. With tongue planted firmly in cheek, I posted the following possible scenario:
GAMER1: Dude, look! It's Pac-Man!
GAMER2: I think I crapped my pants.
Take 3 parts Penny Arcade, 2 parts 8-Bit Theatre, and 1642.4 parts ZANY!
Of course, knowing me, it wasn't long at all before I decided I hadn't broken out the old sketchpad in too long. The idea of a classic gamer comic hasn't ever really been given proper treatment -- Matt Wilson with his (wonderful) Revolt is the closest thing out there to it, and it's more along the lines of "Guy who isn't a gamer learns to be a gamer" then "guy falls in love with Pong."
Thus was born Nostalgiariffic.